Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Gebirgsjäger Riflemen in Anoraks

Available now from Gorgon Studios are four new figures sculpted by Mike Owen for Blitzkrieg Laboratories' Gebirgsjäger line, all wearing the M1938 Reversible Three-Pocket Anorak, and equipped with Kar-98k rifles. The anorak had white on one side for snow camouflage, often fieldgray or mousegray on the reverse side for use in non-snow conditions.  As you can see from the painted figures above, by Blitzkrieg Labs painting master David Stoddard, these are very versatile figures which can be done in fieldgray mountain trouser, stonegray mountain trouser or as full on snow gear.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! This is a project that is moving up my list.
